Corporate Social Responsibility
Check your blind spot!
Allie was registered blind only a couple of years ago due to a rare eye condition and she knows only too well the difficulties this can bring to everyday life. In fact, this is one of the reasons we decided to set up the business.
We are members of the sight loss council, the working age forum for people with sight loss, and part of Birmingham vision, supporting the working age into, or back into employment after suffering from sight loss. We attend, and speak regularly at AGM’s, forums and networking events to raise awareness in this area.
We want to encourage employers to be advocates of employing those with a disability, and we will promote this philosophy continuously throughout the growth of Hamilton Munro.
Our charity work isn’t exclusive so talk to us openly about your passions and let’s see how we can get involved!
What have we done?
Becky and her daughter, Grace, have taken part in the Great Midlands Fun Run to help raise money for Macular Society which supports the ongoing research for Macular related disabilities. In 2016, at age 6, Grace ran the race and raised £160! A great bit of fundraising for such little legs. In 2017 Becky and Grace completed the race again and raised another £280.
Hamilton Munro has chosen to continue their support of Macular Society and also Cancer Research. Allie, Becky and definitely Grace will continue to support these chosen charities wherever they can and look forward to taking part in more fundraising for both charities in the very near future… watch this space.
"When Allie first discovered that she had Macular Degeneration, I was unclear of both the severity and impact of the condition – but also the huge support network that is out there for people suffering from the effects it has on their every day lives. I am always keen to get involved in fundraising to support associated charities!" (Becky)